Friday, September 30, 2011

Dont Blame the Babies

"Hey listen baby, now that your here I've gotta let you in on the scoop. All those cute animals in your story books, dead. ...Although there might be some left in the cages at the zoo. Also, more then a billion other babies like your are starving to death and its because of this system were living in today. If you ask me, baby, were going to hell in a hand-basket.  I'll let that sink in now, food for thought, little baby, for thought." 

No, no, no, if you thought this was the way to teach kids about sustainability, then...
there must be something wrong with you.
 Hopkins & McKeown (2000) say: no, "it is not useful to frighten small children with global issues for which they have no control and for which they are not responsible (pg.21)."

If this is your method, then shame on you.     o_O

Hopkins, C & McKeown, R. 2000, 'Chapter 2, Education for sustainable development: an international perspective' in Tilbury, D., Fien, J., Education and Sustainability: Responding to the global challenge, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Pg 13-24


  1. impressive.. very interesting twist and way to portray the fucked up way things are now.. I don't think anyones ever tried to view things this way.. from this perspective.

  2. The saddest baby in the world, jaja.
